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stormy day
stormy day
Duration: 0.25    Year: 2003
  • Description

Lyrics by Jesse Lee Jacobs


Hopin’ for a stormy day

thoughts are whittled away like wood

on this, stormy day

Ridiculous burden say it three times

bugs in your mind

The worms in the soil of your soul

come out on this stormy day

hey hey

Love you find cuz you thought it to be

different than it was

You gotta make your own movie on this

on this stormy day


the sky is crying for creatures of this land

black white night day think right right way

stormy day

Darkness is the light rain please come tonight

People are their time an place

Feelings have no mind or race only melody

only melody——stormy day

find that setting of your heart an soul

rest your feet cuz your minds at home

warm on that stormy day hey

some things never change some things never change


rain cha cha——