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dreaming of the big top
dreaming of the big top
Duration: 0.15    Year: 1993
  • Description

words and music by LMC


Jimmy’s eyes they light up

when the circus is coming to town

and with peanuts in hand the boy sits in the stands

and dreams of being a clown

But the chores on the farm are all lined up

and he won’t be leaving today

by the time he is through with the chores he must do

the trapeze has swung for the day

Jimmy’s dream had faded

when the colorful bigtop left town

as the years passed him by and the clown in him died

Priscilla his true love he found

But as childhood dreams resurfaced

psychological problems abound…

and with beernuts in hand and a twelve pack in cans

he packed up his clown suit for town

The circus of life still travels

throughout childhood memories

and as acrobats roll and tickets are sold

magician will vanish our dreams

But like Jimmy we’ve got to remember

nothing will come from a frown

so hold tight to your dreams and follow your schemes

the circus is coming to your town