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Duration: 0.15    Year: 2005
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Aug 10, 1980 – U.S. – Angelyne is an American singer, actress and model. She came to prominence in 1984 after a large number of billboards promoting herself started appearing all over Los Angeles, California. She immediately caught the attention of the local media and started receiving offers for interviews and TV show appearances. The main trademark of her celebrity persona is a pink Corvette. She is often called ‘famous for being famous’ since her billboards have got more fame than her music career. Her billboards have been featured in many movies and television series, including the opening credits of Moonlighting and spoofed in shows such as The Simpsons, Futurama or BoJack Horseman. In 2003, she was a candidate in the California governor recall election, finishing 28th in a field of 135 candidates (garnering 2,536 votes). Her slogan during the campaign was ‘We’ve had Gray, we’ve had Brown, now it’s time for some blond and pink.’ (Newscom TagID: zumaglobal327406.jpg) [Photo via Newscom]