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shadow boxer
shadow boxer
Year: 2005
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Gary Hall (Vocals, Whistler, & Guitar)

Wil Robinson aka the U86 (Guitars, Bass, Keys, Drums, etc. backing vocals on Angelyne)

Recorded by the U86, Produced by Wil Robinson & Fathead Minnow Productions in Hollywood, CA. Art was by Gary Hall.

Gary Hall, 1953-2005

was pardoned by music, self taught by ear, these original works are his only

recordings. These songs were recorded in the fall of 2004 thru the spring of 2005.

The lyrics go straight to the heart, the melodies spark and haunt. God bless his

wife Connie & family. Big “Crazy” Dean

C & P 2005 Gary/ Kanita Hall/ Wil Robinson & the U86 and fathead minnow productions. all rights reserved.

Photos by WR and Art by GH. All music, melodies, and words were performed by GH & WR.

All songs written by Gary Hall. Wil Robinson added his production and arrangement aspect to the music.