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Freakout Factory
Freakout Factory
Year: 1992
  • Tracks
  • Description

Member of the Tin Kan Caravan are:

Johnny Mikula-bass & vocals

Bill Stamps- guitar & vocals

Kevin Kelly- vocals, whistles, & entertainment

Chris Zimmerman- guitar & vocals

Steve Phelps- drums, percussion, & vocals

Jim Voudris- drums & percussion

Ritch Kerns- accordion

Wil Robinson- banjo, slide guitar, and vocals

Neil – guitar & vocal

whoever else showed up that day…..

In 1992, the Tin Kan Caravan emerged as the band that performed solely in the living room

of 28 Hess Street in the oregon district in Dayton, Ohio. Whoever showed up that day would

be in the Caravan. Of course, the boys listed above always showed up and the rest well, just

fell into line. After several sessions of playing together, the TKC finally came up with what

would be called the “Freakout Factory”. The definitive Tin Kan Caravan album. Definition of

Freakout Factory- a bunch of people getting together and spitting out music in tumultuous

amounts, hard to swallow groves. TKC was unable to ever make it out of the living room, over

there on Hess Street but, hopefully, these recordings will give you a little idea of what was

going behind the walls, buried in the depths of Johnny’s POSH living room.

This album/ project is dedicated to the late great Kevin William Kelly!!!

All rights reserved for all documents, pictures, songs, and videos, unless otherwise noted.

Copyright © 1992 Tin Kan Caravan, Wil Robinson, and Fathead Minnow Productions