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evan & taylor
Duration: 0.15    Year: 1996
  • Description

Lyrics by Wil Robinson

Music by The Sticking Straight Ups


when i was a boy, i lit off firecrackers in a field

spooking the bull, that used to live with my uncle johnny

kicking over the lantern, the field and the barn began to burn

and as if i were an angel, i crept silently into my bedroom

no one was around

as i crouched low to the ground

the warning engines sounded

lights were turning blinded me i cried

as the fire came inside

once i was a man, i pulled the trigger on my gatlin’gun

shooting down everyone, that had opposition in their eyes

hoping for a showdown, as i played the game of bonnie & clyde

and as if i were an angel, i crept silently into my bedroom


heaven……….it’s the only place you’ll ever find me

heaven……….it’s me surfing to the sun

heaven……….it’s you smiling at my squirt gun

heaven……….it’s the only place for everyone

now that i’m an angel, i smile at the fire that spreads before me

stomping in the blaze, i singe myself into a pile of ashes

knowing in my heart, i had nothing to with it from the start

and as if i were an angel (child), i creep silently into my bedroom