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.....And The Gods
…..And The Gods
Year: 2009
  • Tracks
  • Description

Performed by LMC

Steve Phelps- vocals, guitar, drums, and percussion

Ritch Kerns- vocals, keyboards, and piano

Wil Robinson- vocals, guitars, and bass

Special Appearance by Scott Kingham- guitar and stuff on Crime Spree, Test503, and Hope.

The above album was released in 2008 with some additions in 2009*.

This album for the most part, as you will probably hear, was a complete struggle for Lost Marble Collection. LMC

trying to agree with technology, quality, family and the lack of being in the same room and strangling each other, added

to the outcome & diversity of this album.  Overall, it was and still is an enjoyable reunion for LMC, in hopes of a new future

and continued collaboration in the world of music.                  

                                                                                                     Mike Hunt of the LA Golden Boys                                                     

Sidewinder on was recorded in 1990 (as you can probably tell) and LMC added some additional parts to it in 2008.**

All rights reserved for all documents, pictures, songs, and videos, unless otherwise noted.

Copyright © 2009 LMC, Wil Robinson, and Fathead Minnow Productions.